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Samsung and viewsonic have released their 120hz monitors some time ago. Viewsonic claims the monitor to be "blur-free" and these monitors are generally said to be as good as the old CRT's.
How many of you have got these new screens and how have you liked them? I know dugi says that the monitor is epic and supersmooth. I got mine too and it actually took me some time to realize the monitor even was running at 120hz.
I've never used anything else than a CRT when it comes to pc gaming and I'm really disappointed to this new LCD I bought. There is a noticeable difference in the blurriness of games (ns, tf2) depending on which refresh rate you are running the game at. Different fps's and disabling/enabling v-sync also alter the image quality alot. It's good at 120hz but not perfect like a CRT. There is also a possibility that I've done something wrong (games aren't running at 120hz) but after rechecking many times all the different settings and reinstalling various versions of GPU drivers I'm pretty sure it's working just fine. And there's a large noticeable difference in the mousecursors movement between the two modes, 60 and 120hz.
So, have you liked your monitor? Are these 120hz LCD's the breakthrough of gaming, what do you think?
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funny I was just about to ask the same question , cause I want to buy the Samsung 120 Hz TFt soon xD.
Which one of the two did u buy? Samsung or Viewsonic? I read that Samsung is a little bit better.
So far 120 Hz on tft was mainly made for 3D , I suppose.
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Think what you want, but benchmarks show the difference.
It's still an LCD, it's never going to be "perfect like a CRT".
#archaea @
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I've got Samsung 2233rz, its cool. Not as smooth as CRT but good enough for me. I wouldn't go back to any other LCD though.
I've read from a Finnish PC website that the 3D glasses are a nice "bonus" to gaming assuming one has a 3D-capable screen already. Apparently they roughly half your FPS. Dunno if it works with NS. Require's NVIDIA though.
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There is Full HD 120hz (who buys 1680x1050?!) monitors already like Acer GD245HQ. ATI cards got 3D support when they released Catalyst 10.3.
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I guess the problem is you're comparing before and after from using a crt to going to 120hz lcd, whilst the people you took advice from were going from 60hz lcd to 120hz lcd.
The improvement between 60 and 120hz in ns is enormous, i upgraded a couple of weeks ago and after getting used to 120hz i switched back just to see what 60hz was like, i found it nearly unplayable.
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Agreed with AVL.
The switch from to CRT to 60hz LCD was a huge disappointment for me, but 60Hz -> 120 Hz was a major improvement. Now I don't have much to complain but I reckon if I had a CRT before I'd be a bit disappointed aswell.
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I have a 100 hz CRT atm (on 800x600) I mainly want to buy the Samsung 120 hz cause tft´s are a bit better for the eyes, arent they?
I also think about if it´s worth it to search a good CRT which gets more HZ on higher resolution and buy a normal tft.
btw. in professional gaming they use tfts meanwhile dont they? (even for the fast games?)
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its hard to track things with your eyes let alone your mouse in ns with 60 hz tft
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Don't know how to quote with this piece of shit, but anyways
I was actually thinking of getting one of those 3D glasses, altho not only do they roughly half your fps they also run at 60hz making everything look just generally bad. But it's still 3D
I'm actually a bit concerned whether the monitor is really running 120hz or just somehow thinking that it's running at 120, all the driverinfo, dxdiag and OSD do state that it's 120hz. TF2 is really enjoyable with this ViewSonic VX2268wm but NS looks bad for me, 125fps playable but every other setting is just terrible. And now after having another chat session with dugi and jiriki saying that he's really liking the samsungs monitor I feel that there has to be something wrong with the hardware. Does anyone know if there are any third party programs to check your refresh rates? Also EDID and driver info gives me slightly different ranges of Hz.
I just hope that the monitor isn't defective or anything, fucking hell.
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i have an old crt 19" diamondtron and i run ns at 120hz easly but i'd much better prefer to buy a lcd a good one but for now i haven't seen or played on any good lcd, so if some could give any good feedback about switching from crt to one of those new lcd's i'd be gratefull, something more "it's just good/awesome/terrible" ; p
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i got a 26" SAMSUNG LCD. Before i played on a 24" SONY CRT. Either i am blind or i am stupid. I do not see any difference. The difference exists i agree but it is not as big as most of you think.
The only thing is, that i have to turn my head to see everything. But the Quality is just GREAT. I would by it again...
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which Samsung LCD exactly?
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I have a 120hz samsung 2233rz and I can't run it in 120hz. Why? Because the ati 5870's 2d chip isn't fast enough to keep up with the refresh rate. So the screen flickers like a bastard. Have to run it at a maz of 100hz. Lame.
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Dux the problem is due to the graphics cards entering the so called "2D-mode", wich basicly reduce the speeds of the graphicscards when you are not gaming. The current 2d clock speeds are too low for 120hz to work. There is no problem with any hardware, or "2d chip" or anything like that.
You should be able to use windows with for example 60hz and then play all your games, including ns, at 120hz without any issues.
ATi will fix it in time but its a fix that will take time (keep updating drivers and try until its fixed).
I'm using the Samsung 120Hz.
It's very poor compared to a CRT but a massive improvement over other TFTs.
Would I recommend it? I think the money would be better spent on making sure whatever games you play runs at a solid frame-rate, but if you already have that then go for it.
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Yeah, Viewsonic also only works in 1680x1050 at 120hz : )
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Samsung 2233 doesn't need native resolution for 120hz.
120hz works fine at 1280x720 for example.
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if all goes well I will have a functional P1130 sitting on my desk Saturday for $25 off craigslist
1024/768 @ 120hz mmmm can't wait to see my electrical bill for october
so do all CRTs allow for 120hz or just certain ones?
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depends on resolution, the higher resolution and higher refresh rate the better.
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my crt monitor is limited to 85hz ;(
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only certain CRTs allow for 120hz. Quality CRTs like the one I'm picking up can do 120hz at higher resolutions. I have a crappier CRT at my folks' house that can only do 120HZ at 640x480. The one I am picking up can supposedly do it up to 1024x768 or maybe higher.
At home I have a CRT for NS and then I use my LCD for everything else, I just plug and play when needed.
God marines and upclose alien biting is so so SO much easier on the CRT. Pity it's too big and clump to take to uni :(.
Thinking of getting a 120Hz LCD, but they are quite expensive aren't they? :(
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Quite expensive and no where near as good as CRT's.
So what specific models of CRTs are the best for 120hz?