European Open 2013 - Matches Start This Week!
Important to Note: The European Open will be played with the LIVE build, currently Build 250, of Natural Selection 2.
Even with the summer break, June's turning out to be a busy month for Natural Selection 2 competitive play. Fresh off the heels of the Balance Mod Cup, we'll be moving straight into the Group Stage for the European Open. Sign up for the event is now closed, teams have been seeded and grouped, and matches ready to be played!
Teams can find their groupings and matches at
Because of time constraints, note the rules for the rescheduling of matches (under Section 4) in the Group Stage. Please confirm rescheduled times on your match pages. Note, if a rescheduled time is not confirmed within the allotted time, the match MUST be played at the default match time.
In the past, the majority of teams that have participated in tournaments have been left disappointed after the Group Stages. We have heard your outcries for more play and have given you the means to do so. The teams that finish at the bottom two of their groupings will move into a Horizon Bracket that is separate from the main tournament and they'll have their own playoffs. Although this bracket will be ineligible for the Grand Prize, we were able to secure 6 UWE Onos T-Shirts for the winner.
This leads us up to the Grand Prize. The top two finishers of each group will be moved into the Winners Bracket. Two teams will emerge and be provided air fare and accomodations to Insomnia 49 in Teleford, England for a final live event and cash prize pool. Details for the monetary prize can be found here: The community fundraising effort has been amazing and doubly more so with Unknown World Entertainment's match on your contributions!
If you are participating in the Open, please join the official Steam group for easier scheduling with your opponents. NSL Staff (admins, casters, and referees) are invited to join this group also. Casters and referees, please check your respective forums for sign ups and further instructions.
Why are Original Gorges not in any of the groups?
25 June 2013, 07:30
They dropped out due to summer inactivity. YO Clan has taken their place in the tournament, since they were the 17th team to sign up.
25 June 2013, 07:51
Alright.. something went wrong with the signup for vetus; the system put us directly in a group.
Since groups are already drawn, I'd hate to push out another team. Just put us as next team to sub a team that cant play.
25 June 2013, 14:15
Arj, Moebius did drop out. Looks like vetus will be replacing them in Group A.
25 June 2013, 15:18
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