Its time for me to go
Hey fellow players,
I am too busy in real life to handle ENSL duties anymore. ENSL needs a new webmaster and head admin if it wants to bring itself to NS2 era. The new webmaster will have to take care of the website, ts3 and game servers at least. There will bugs to squash and the layout could do a polish. Familiarity with Ruby on Rails and Linux shell is needed. And last but not least, lots of motivation to create the competitive scene for NS2!
In any case, NS1 era for ENSL is over for good. It was many years and over thirty competitions of fun, sweat and fury. Thanks to everyone who made this possible. I doubt there will be another NS1 ever again. Cherish what you have, all good things come to an end.
So long, and thanks for all the fish,
Well Jiriki BYE ! been nice annoying you !
Much LOVE EisTee !
21 October 2012, 07:57
The unthinkable....NS without jiriki...gosh I'll miss you man - much love and epic thanks for all the hard work you have done for this.
21 October 2012, 12:50
He'll be back in a week.
21 October 2012, 14:13
sad day for ns, its finally over :( i really do miss the old days. Good luck jiriki we will miss you
21 October 2012, 14:18
Yeah that really is sad. While the scene has seen so many faces over the years trying to improve it and keep it active, jiriki really has been the driving force behind it, running ENSL and the nightcups. No one really does understand the unprecedented amount of work jiriki did from sorting out brackets to fixing the stream delay on shoutcasts. Sad to see you go.
21 October 2012, 16:56
it was a fun run, i miss it..
21 October 2012, 17:28
take care ari! und zer best good luck!
22 October 2012, 17:57
All the best Ari!
22 October 2012, 20:01
T_T would be nice if someone organise a NS-Cup reunion in 10 years
23 October 2012, 06:28
now I am sad :(
And don´t dare to say ns 1 is dead.It will just stay close to dying all the time. ( With 11 out of 12 people idling in the gather!)
23 October 2012, 13:13
What is with all you ppl saying there wont be enough NS1 Players for a Gather .... THAT IS A LIE ... And stop being lame and tell ncie things to jiriki .. this is the internet .. NO PLACE TO BE NICE !
23 October 2012, 14:55
Thanks for all the hard work over the years jiriki. Don't think we said thanks to you for it enough :P You ensured we could flame, kill & mame each other any time we wanted.
That's it fellas, it's finally over.
23 October 2012, 15:56
just a new beginning autonomy :)
24 October 2012, 07:16
Love from France :)
24 October 2012, 13:02
well i guess the next mission would be to convert ns2 players to ns1? :)
24 October 2012, 15:59
Cya later Jerky :(
31 October 2012, 14:52
4 November 2012, 13:00
Thanks for everything and have fun on the other side!
6 November 2012, 14:24
Thanks for everything you have done for the ns1 community
7 November 2012, 14:13
aaaaaaaaaaaaw :<
10 November 2012, 17:44
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